

When Jesus Saw
Their Faith

Mark 2:2-12

The press of the crowd was so great that his friends could not gain access to the Savior’s healing touch. They brought the man sick with palsy to be healed knowing the Savior could do it. Determined and faithful, they opened the roof and lowered their friend in, where the Savior stood. When Jesus saw their faith, the man sick with palsy was forgiven of his sins and perfectly healed by the Lord. 

The Savior has the power to heal all of the things in our lives that hurt in any way. His atoning sacrifice and resurrection means that nothing bad ever needs to be permanent. This applies to sin, death, suffering, sickness, mental health challenges, broken hearts, broken lives, broken families, infuriating unfairness, and so much more. His atoning sacrifice also ensures that all the wonderful parts of our lives can be eternal. This includes families, love, faith, hope, charity, joy, truth, and so much more. 

This drawing is meant to strengthen our own faith in the Savior, to remind us of His infinite power to heal all things. When we come to Him in faith, in whatever way we must come, He will always be there to heal us.